All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractMessage Base class for all request typesAbstractRequest Base class for all request types.AbstractRequestProcessor AbstractRequiredSignerStore AbstractResponse AbstractResponseAndIndex AddAdminValueOperation AddValueRequest Request used to add a value to an existing handle.AdminRecord AliasAdderOperation AliasRemoverOperation AsciiJsonWriter Class which wraps anotherWriter
in order to write only ASCII.Attribute AuthenticationInfo AutoSelfSignedKeyManager This object is used to provide a private key for authentication to the other side of a secure socket connection.BatchDeleteHandles BatchHandleProcessor BatchUnhomePrefixes BatchUtil BootstrapHandles Cache ChainBuilder ChainVerificationReport ChainVerifier ChallengeAnswerRequest Object used to represent an answer to a challenge to authenticate.ChallengeResponse Object used to represent a challenge sent to a user asking for proof of their identity.ClientSessionTracker Instances of ClientSessionTracker are meant to maintain a set of ClientSideSessionInfo objects for different servers.ClientSideSessionInfo Common This class holds all of the standard identifiers for the handle library.ConfigCommon Configuration CopyHandleRecordOperation CreateHandleRequest Request used to create a new handle.CreateHandleResponse DeepClone Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.DeepCloneDeleteHandleRecordOperation DeleteHandleRequest Request used to delete an existing handle.DigestedHandleValues DigestedHandleValues.DigestedHandleValue DumpHandlesCallback Interface used to define objects that want to receive the streamed results from DumpHandlesResponse messages.DumpHandlesRequest Request used to retrieve all handles from a server.DumpHandlesResponse Response used to send all handles in the database to a replicated site/server.Encoder The static functions in this class are used to translate message objects and records to and from their byte-array representation in which they are sent over the network.Encoder.MessageHeaders ErrorResponse FileBasedRequiredSignerStore FilesystemConfiguration FileSystemReadOnlyChecker GenericBatch GenericProvider An implementation of the net.handle.HDLSecurityProvider interface that accesses the generic java security/crypto interfaces.GenericRequest GenericResponse Generic response without any fields or parametersGetSiteInfoResponse GsonUtility GsonUtility.AdminRecordGsonTypeAdapter GsonUtility.HandleValueGsonTypeAdapter GsonUtility.InterfaceGsonTypeAdapter GsonUtility.PrivateKeyTypeHierarchyAdapter GsonUtility.PublicKeyTypeHierarchyAdapter GsonUtility.ResponseGsonTypeHierarchyAdapter GsonUtility.ServerInfoGsonTypeAdapter GsonUtility.SiteInfoGsonTypeAdapter GsonUtility.TransactionGsonTypeAdapter GsonUtility.ValueReferenceGsonTypeAdapter Handle HandleClaimsSet HandleException HandleRecord HandleRecordFilter HandleRecordOperationInterface HandleRecordTrustVerificationReport HandleRecordTrustVerifier HandleResolver Responsible for locating and retrieving the value of handles using a caching server, or on the internet.HandleSignature Deprecated. UseJsonWebSignature
and allied classes.HandleSignature.Digest HandleSignature.DigestsValue HandleSigner HandleStorage HandleStorage is an interface to an object that is capable of storing handles and their values.HandleStorage2 Deprecated. can just use HandleStorage with default methodsHandlesUnderServiceFinderOperation HandleValue Represents a single handle valueHandleValueDigester HandleVerifier HasHsNameSpaceFilter HasValuesFilter HasValuesFilter.TypeAndValue HdlSecurityProvider HomeNaRequest Request used to home prefix on a given handle server.HSAdapter HSAdapterFactory HsAdminModifierOperation HSG InMemoryRequiredSignerStore Interface IssuedSignature IssuedSignatureVerificationReport JoseSignHandleRecordOperation JsonWebSignature JsonWebSignatureFactory JsonWebSignatureFactoryImpl JsonWebSignatureImpl JsonWebSignatureJsonSerialization JsonWebSignatureJsonSerialization.JsonWebSignatureSignatureJsonSerialization JwtClaimsSet ListHandlesRequest Request used to retrieve a list of handles from a given prefix from a server.ListHandlesResponse Response used to forward all handles for a specific prefix.ListHandlesUtil ListHandlesUtil.ListHandlesAccumulator ListNAsRequest Request used to retrieve a list of prefixes homed on a server.ListNAsResponse Response used to forward all prefixes homed on this server.ListPrefixesUtil ListPrefixesUtil.ListHandlesAccumulator LocalInfoConverter LocalInfoConverter.LocalInfoEntry LRUCacheTable<K,V> MemCache Class used to cache values in a local database file.MessageEnvelope ModifyValueRequest Request used to modify a value of an existing handle.NamespaceInfo Object containing information about the set of handles beginning with a prefix.NextTxnIdResponse NoOpOperation ParallelBatchDeleteHandles ParallelBatchHandleProcessor ParallelBatchHandleProcessor.ResolutionType Permission PublicKeyAuthenticationInfo RemoteJsonWebSignatureSigner RemoveValueRequest Request used to remove a value from an existing handle.ReplaceAllHsAdminValuesOperation ReplaceHsNamespaceOperation ReplicationDaemonInterface ReplicationStateInfo RequestProcessor ResignCertAndHandleRecordOperation ResolutionRequest Request used to resolve a handle.ResolutionResponse Resolver Class used for high level interaction with handles.ResponseMessageCallback ResponseMessageCallback is an interface that is used to get continuation messages from multi-message responses.RetrieveTxnRequest Request used to retrieve any new transactions from a server.RetrieveTxnResponse Response used to forward any new transactions to a replicated site/server.RootInfoListener ScanCallback Callback for objects that want to be able to scan all of the handles in a HandleStorage instance.SecretKeyAuthenticationInfo SecureResolver Deprecated. UseHandleRecordTrustVerifier
and allied classesServerInfo ServiceHandleAccumulator ServiceReferralResponse Same format as ResolutionResponse, but allows values to be empty.Session SessionExchangeKeyRequest Request used to setup a new session.SessionInfo SessionSetupInfo Class for passing session options to HandleResolver.SessionSetupRequest Request used to setup a new session.SessionSetupResponse SignatureVerificationReport SignedInputStream Objects of this class can be used to verify the contents of a stream generated by a SignedOutputStream class.SignedOutputStream Objects of this class can be used to sign the contents of a stream that can be verified by a SignedInputStream class.SimpleConfiguration SimpleResponseMessageCallback SiteFilter SiteInfo SiteInfoConverter SSLEngineHelper SSLEngineHelper.SocketFactoryWrapper StreamObject Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.StreamObjectStreamTable Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.StreamTableStreamUtil Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.StreamUtilStreamVector Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.StreamVectorStringEncodingException Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.StreamUtilStringUtils Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.StringUtilsTemplateException Deprecated. Replaced by net.cnri.util.TemplateExceptionTester Transaction Class that holds the information known about a single transaction on a handle server.TransactionCallback Interface used to define objects that want to receive the streamed results from RetrieveTxnResponse messages.TransactionQueueInterface Interface for the transaction queue that is used as a callback from messages like DumpHandlesRequest.TransactionQueueListener TransactionQueuesInterface TransactionScannerInterface Interface for the transaction queue scanner that is used as a callback from messages like DumpHandlesRequest.TransactionValidator TransactionValidator.ValidationResult TrustException TrustManagerSpecificPublicKey UnhomeNaRequest Request used to unhome prefix on a given handle server.Util ValidateHandleRecordOperation ValueReference ValuesSignatureVerificationReport VerifyAuthRequest Request used to resolve a handle.VerifyAuthResponse Response to VerifyAuthRequest.X509HSCertificateGenerator X509HSTrustManager